CIT course is designed to prepare the private security guard to cope with day-to-day challenges during the performance of his duties when transferring cash/valuables and enable him to identify & respond to common risks & situations in CIT environment in order to ensure the safe transportation of valuables/ cash with emphasis on the safety of the guard & members of society.
Course Content | Introduction to Cash In Transit Introduction to CIT operation & procedures Roles and responsibilities of private security guards Orientation to CIT vehicle & communication system CIT Security threats, vulnerabilities and risks Customers service effective Communication Skills Radio Communication skills Dealing with traffic problems Self-defense skills Writing security reports Dealing with armed attack Basic first aid Crowd Control Inspection of persons, vehicles and parcels Preserving crime scenes and evidence |
Course Eligibility | 1. high school diploma 2. security experience in the field of police and security or armed forces must be no less than 5 years with at least 2 years thereof inside the State. 3. Height -160 cm 4. Must be licensed in the state either by ASSD, PSFRD or SIRA for two years. 5. Must be fit 6. To speak both English and Arabic or at least either of them 7. Age 26- 55 years |
Course Duration | 6 DAYS |
Course Pre-requisites | 1. Passport copy/ Emirates ID 2. Filled registration form (available upon request) 3. Photograph 4. Medical Certificate 5. Education Certificate 6. ASSD License if available 7. Previous NSI Certificate |
Course Assessment | The course is featured with Initial assessment, Formative Assessment and the Summative assessment to enable not only to assess and evaluate learning but also to assist in enhance the learning.
COURSE ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Candidates securing 70% of the above are considered PASS and are eligible for certification. |
Course Certification | Candidates who pass written assessment & module assignments shall receive an NSI CIT Security certificate aligned with the PSFRD framework. |
Targeted audience | Candidates who want to be licensed as CIT Guard after passing BSG/SOL3 course. |