Together, we are safer and stronger!

Our main focus is the health and safety of everyone at NSI. Most of the infected people will experience moderate symptoms and recover without hospitalization.

The following are the most common symptoms:

  • Fever, dry cough, and tiredness

Symptoms that are less common:

  • Pains and aches
  • Throat irritation
  • Diarrhea
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Headache
  • A loss of smell or taste
  • A rash or discoloration of the fingers or toes.

As individuals and as a society, we can take steps to help.

(Please keep in mind that the situation is constantly changing, thus these guidelines may change as well. We’ll inform you as soon as the changes take effect.)

Remember the basics 

  • All the individuals including trainees/visitors and others are required to show their vaccination status to our officials.
  • Visitors who have obtained the consent of the office they wish to meet will be permitted after they are thoroughly screened.
  • Only asymptomatic employees and visitors will be permitted
  • All staff and visitors will be allowed to enter only if they wear facial covers or masks. 
  • Temperature takers are properly trained and protected (gloves, protective eyewear, and a procedure mask, etc).
  • All the individuals including trainees and visitors are advised to follow the isolation rules to preserve the health of those individuals in our premises.

Personal hygiene 

  • Keeping your hands clean is important. 
  • Hands should be washed at least 20 seconds each time with warm water and soap or soak for at least 20 seconds in a hydroalcoholic solution (at least 60% alcohol).
  • We provide all required materials (running water, soap, hydroalcoholic solutions, touchless trash cans, disposable tissues or paper towels, etc.) to encourage and practice hand hygiene among trainees and visitors.
  • Direct touch should be avoided (handshakes, hugs).
  • Avoid borrowing things from people.
  • Face covers, masks, and gloves left over by visitors and/or employees are properly disposed of in covered bins.

Social distancing

  • Individuals must keep a minimum distance of 6 feet as far as possible in public spaces. The more people who come into touch with each other, the more likely it is that one of those interactions will be with a contagious person, increasing the probability of COVID-19 transmission. As a result, minimizing the number, frequency, and length of encounters, as well as maintaining a physical distance of two meters, are all factors to consider.
  • The number of persons allowed in the elevators is limited while adhering to physical distance, which is clearly marked on the elevator’s floor.
  • Specific markings with proper distance are made to control the wait and maintain physical distance in the premises.
  • Meetings and gatherings in person are avoided. Instead, videoconferencing or pre-recorded phone or video communications are an alternative for an urgent meetings,

Respiratory etiquettes 

  • Use a tissue, handkerchief, or flexed elbow to cover one’s mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and safely dispose of used tissues. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands that haven’t been washed.

Feel sick? Stay home

  • Isolate the sick person in a room or area away from others.
  • Provide a mask or facial cover until he or she can be examined by a doctor.
  • Shall notify the nearest medical facility (hospital/clinic) as soon as possible, or call the helpline.
  • Case management, contacts, and the necessity for disinfection
  • Cases and contacts will be managed in accordance with the existing protocol
  • We Keep the windows in your room and shared spaces as open as possible.
  • Perhaps if one or two instances are reported, disinfection will be limited to places/areas occupied and visited by the patient in the previous 48 hours, and training shall resume the following disinfection according to protocol.
  •  If a large number of cases are reported at work, the entire block or area depending on the situation shall be disinfected.

Safer environment 

  • We have reorganized physical training spaces and training activities to maintain a minimum physical distance of two meters between people
  • The scheduling of teaching/training activities on a day-wise, time-wise basis can be staggered to avoid overcrowding at any one venue on any one day.
  • We will implement Disinfection procedures in the occurrence of suspect/confirmed cases.
  • Cleaning and sanitization of the training place, particularly regularly handled surfaces, are done on a regular basis (at least twice a day).
  • We provide all supplies and equipment required to guarantee that the cleaning

schedule and hygiene practices are strictly followed.

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